Special Saving

A special savings account is a type of bank account that often comes with specific features, benefits, or eligibility criteria that distinguish it from a regular savings account. Also known as premium savings accounts, this account usually targets to have higher deposit funds in account and in turn offers improved and customized services. Best suited to people who have extreme paucity of time, need premium services or customized norms.

Best Rates for Magh

S.N. Bank Name Product Interest Rate
1 Laxmi Sunrise Bank Orange Savings Plus 5%
2 Laxmi Sunrise Bank Sampurna Bachat 5%
3 Himalayan Bank Exclusive Privileged Savings Account 4.75%
4 Siddhartha Bank Siddhartha Platinum Plus Saving Account 4.55%
5 Citizens Bank Citizens Privilege Saving account 4.5%

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Siddhartha Bank

Siddhartha Platinum Plus Saving Account
Deposit Account
Minimum Balance

Rs. 50,000

Interest Rate



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Siddhartha Bank

Siddhartha Jeevan Surakshya Saving Account
Deposit Account
Minimum Balance

Rs. 20,000

Interest Rate



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Everest Bank Ltd.

Saving Premium Account
Deposit Account
Minimum Balance

Rs. 50,000

Interest Rate



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