An education loan is financial assistance provided by banks or financial institutions to students who need help covering the costs of their education.
Floating Rate - 11.74%
Fixed Rate – 12.75% - 12.99% for 5 to 10 Year(s)
Processing Fee - Up to 1%
Loan Tenure 1 - 10 Years
Floating Rate - 12.82%
Fixed Rate - N/A
Floating Rate - 8.52% - 10.52%
Floating Rate - 9.78%
Fixed Rate – 10.78% for 5 Year(s)
Processing Fee - Up to 0.75%
Loan Tenure 1 - 7 Years
Floating Rate - 11.89%
Loan Tenure 1 - 5 Years
Floating Rate - 12.21%
Fixed Rate – 14.00% for Upto 5 Year(s)
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