Do you want to study abroad but don't know how to get an education loan from a bank? An educational loan is provided to the student or the sponsor of the student for higher education. Here we will be discussing the following topics to get an Educational loan in Nepal.Who can apply for the educational loan?How much amount can you ask for an educational loan?What are the interest rate, time to repay the loan, and processing fee?What documents do banks need before processing your loan application?Ok, lots of questions and answers to none. Well, let us gather the answers then.First of
all, you need to identify the course or degree you want to pursue. We have gathered some important aspects you need to consider before taking a loan.Course/degree Its placement options, and the total time for completion of the course. The eligible courses to apply for an educational loan in Nepal are: - Undergraduate/ Bachelors - Graduate/ Masters - Any other professional course provided by the educational institute. The Educational institute must be recognized by Nepal Government.University / College Its location. Does our country provide a visa to that country?Total Cost / Tuition Fees The expenses, extra tuition fees. How can you repay the loan? How will the loan's EMI affect you and your day-to-day life?Source of Income You will need the business income or salary statement of your sponsor.After this, we can now move forward with the eligibility criteria for the loan. The common criteria for the applicant are:Must be a Nepali citizen and at least 18 years old.Must have at least +2 level educational qualification.Must have a confirmation of admission from the respective college/university (Offer Letter).Parents/Guardians must have a regular source of income.The applicant must have collateral security or fixed deposits.How much can you ask for an educational loan?You can get up to Rs. 1 crores from Nepali Banks.The Average Fees and Charges of the Education LoanInterest Ratebase rate + up to 8.25%Loan AmountUp to Rs.1 CroreLoan TenureUp to 20 yearsProcessing Fee0% - 2% of the loan amountThe expenses covered by the educational loan in NepalCourse/Degree expensesHostel expensesCost of devices, books, and other necessary items for completion of the course.Travel expensesHealth Insurance(Note: The offers and expenses may vary from different banks in Nepal.)To know more about the offers, you can click on the below-given link.Educational LoanCommon Documents required for Bank application:Duly Filled out a loan application form.Original education certificates.List of Expenses for the courseFor the detailed required documents of the educational loan from different banks in Nepal, you can click on the below given link.Education LoanThere are lots of loan products in the market. Figuring out all the pros and cons of Educational loans can be difficult. SaralBankingSewa brings a website where you can compare loan and deposit products. SaralBankingSewa provides a platform to compare products from commercial and development banks.For Guidance and Information on Banking Services, you can contact us from:Website: saralbankingsewa.comViber/Whatsapp: 9801261107You can also call us on 01-5269107 Terminologies Used:Repayment Tenure- Time of the total loan amount to be repaid.Collateral - Security for the bank against a loan/credit.Road accessibility- If land/plot has a direct connection with public roads.Tenure - total time of the loan.
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