
Recurring Deposit

A Recurring Deposit (RD) is a type of savings account where individuals can regularly deposit a fixed amount of money at regular intervals (monthly, quarterly, etc.). Over time, these regular deposits accumulate with interest, and the account holder receives a lump sum amount at the end of the predefined period. However some banks in Nepal, deposit interest earned on normal savings accounts either monthly, quarterly or at maturity as per predetermined agreement.

Best Rates for Magh

S.N. Bank Name Product Interest Rate
1 Nepal Investment Mega Bank NIBL Recurring Fixed Deposit 7%
2 Prabhu Bank Prabhu Recurring Fixed Deposit 6.1%
4 Garima Bikas Bank Recurring Savings Account 6%
5 Citizens Bank Citizens Recurring Deposit(NPR) - 1 Year and above 5.65%

Search Deposit Accounts

Deposit Accounts

Deposit Account
Kumari Bank Limited

Recurring Fixed Deposit

  • Minimum Balance - Rs. 500

  • Interest Rate – 5.31%

  • Tenure - 1 Year - 5 Years

Deposit Account
Citizens Bank

Citizens Recurring Deposit(NPR) - 1 Year and above

  • Minimum Balance - Rs. 0

  • Interest Rate – 4.5% - 5.65%

  • Tenure - 3 Months - 1 Year

Deposit Account
NMB Bank

NMB Mero Kramik Khata

  • Minimum Balance - Rs. 1,000

  • Interest Rate – 4%

  • Tenure - 1 Year - 5 Years

Deposit Account
OrangeNxt (Powered by Laxmi Sunrise Bank Ltd.)

New Saving Vault

  • Minimum Balance - Rs. 0

  • Interest Rate – 5.5%

  • Tenure - upto 5 Years

Deposit Account
Prabhu Bank

Prabhu Recurring Fixed Deposit

  • Minimum Balance - Rs. 0

  • Interest Rate – 5.1% - 6.1%

  • Tenure - 6 Months - above 5 Years

Deposit Account
Garima Bikas Bank

Recurring Savings Account

  • Minimum Balance - Rs. 500

  • Interest Rate – 6%

  • Tenure - 3 Months