02 Apr, 2024

Thinking of Borrowing ? Our Guide to Responsible Borrowing is a Must-Read !

Borrowing money is one of the most preferred ways used by most people to finance different life’s amenities. Whether it's buying a house, paying for education, or financing your lifestyle, careful borrowing can open doors for you. However, it's vital to approach loans with thorough consideration and a plan. You should borrow responsibly to reap its benefits. Borrowing without careful consideration can lead to financial stress, and low credit assessment score and will make it harder for you to achieve financial independence. This guide, along with the resources on Saral Banking Sewa (SBS), aims to empower you with smart borrowing

choices that can benefit your future.Key Questions to Ask Yourself BEFORE Taking on Debt1. Is it truly necessary? While taking a loan, the first thing to ask yourself is whether you really need debt for emergency purposes or if it is just your impulse decision to fulfill your want. If it’s a genuine need like a medical emergency or a good investment opportunity, it's beneficial to take on debt but if it’s an impulse buy, it can leave lasting regret.2. Can you realistically afford it? By taking a good measure of your income and expenses, you can have an idea of how much debt you can afford. Use SBS's loan calculators to input different interest rates, loan amounts, and repayment periods. Use the EMI Calculator to figure out how much your monthly payment would be. After cutting all expenses and keeping aside some for emergencies, if the amount is in your budget, then you can move forward with the plan.3. What's the total cost? Don’t just focus on how long it takes to repay the loan, the most important thing is the total cost, including the interest. If the interest you’ll pay is much higher than the original loan amount, it’s usually smarter to save up as much as you can first. This way, you’ll need a smaller loan and pay less overall. Stay updated on the latest loan interest rates that are currently provided by banks and align your debt requirements accordingly. 4. Are there alternatives? Instead of borrowing in the first place, the thing you can ask yourself is if you can increase your income to achieve your goals? Maybe a rigorously planned saving strategy can be beneficial rather than taking out a loan? Or using a 50-30-20 budgeting method can help you get there? These paths may be time-consuming and require a lot of patience, but these might help you protect yourself from various debt traps.Smart Debt Management: Keys to SuccessResearch: Research a variety of factors, including interest rates, repayment terms, and fees while searching for loan options. Use SBS to compare rates, terms, and features across multiple banks. This is where you gain potential savings and greater choice.Start Small: If new to borrowing, start with the absolute minimum loan amount required to meet your immediate need. You will have an idea of how debt works and how to manage it firsthand and also to prove to the bank that you can handle repayments. This can lead to better offers in the future.Read the Fine Print: To get a loan, be prepared to sign some official documents that might feel a bit overwhelming. These can be boring to read, but they hold the key to fully understanding your obligations. Don't hesitate to ask for clarification on anything that confuses you.Avoid Multiple Loans at Once: Juggling several debts at once can drastically increase your risk of default. Focus on repaying one at a time whenever possible and then move to another.When Borrowing Can Be Smart (Examples)Investing in Yourself: A student loan that leads to a higher-paying job can be worthwhile.Business Expansion: Borrowing to purchase equipment that grows your business sustainably can increase profit, justifying the debt. In such cases, taking a business loan is a worthwhile decision.Debt Consolidation: If you have multiple high-interest debts, refinancing into a single lower-interest loan can save money and simplify repayment.SBS: Your Borrowing ToolkitSaral Banking Sewa empowers you to make informed decisions:Calculators: Visualise how different loan amounts and interest rates impact your monthly payments and total cost over time.Comparisons: See loan offerings from various banks side-by-side, allowing for easy assessment of pros and cons.Education: Blogs and resources on SBS deepen your understanding of different loan types, financial terms, and borrowing best practices.Remember: You're in ControlTaking on a debt is solely your decision and you need to decide if a loan is right for you. Use the tools on Saral Banking Sewa, ask critical questions, and prioritize your long-term financial well-being. Careful planning and considerations can only help you plan for the debt and secure your long-term financial well-being. For more borrowing tips, stay tuned for our next blog.